The best way to get answers is to come into our store and talk directly to one of our staff. If we don't have an answer readily available, we promise to research your question and get back to you as soon as we can. By talking face-to-face, if there's something about your question we need more information on to get you the best answer, it's easily accomplished. If you can, bring the plant or a piece of the plant in question along with you, but especially in the case of a suspected disease or pest concern, PLEASE put the plant in a zip lock baggy and keep it in there while at our store.
However, we realize coming into the store is not always an option, so we provide a couple of alternatives:
First, you can send us an email (under our "contact" page) or you can send your questions to us via Facebook at: Please include pictures, the more the better, and from different angles and distances from the plant.
Finally, maybe you can find someone else has already asked the same question or is included in one of the public documents below. As much as possible, the information included below applies for Central South Dakota, but may by necessity be written for the more general northern plains region. To read these files, click on the link and a new window will pop up.
Whether you have a new garden or yard or have been using your area for years, it's recommended to periodically test your soils to see if there are any chemical imbalances, deficiencies, or overabundances.
South Dakota SDSU Extension no longer does soil testing, but neighboring states and commercial firms do. The link below will list nearby soil testing options. These companies and universities mentioned in the link are presented as informational resources only and does not necessarily constitute the endorsement or recommendation of these facilities by East Pierre Landscape and Garden Center.